Do you know what March 20th, 2017 is? It is the official 1st day of  the Spring Equinox  and it will be here before we know it. Currently here at Warner Landscape & Sod we are anxiously preparing for the upcoming 2017 lawn fertilizing season. Our Pre-Pay offers have been sent out and we are getting our equipment ready. Our state certified technicians have already attended multiple off season educational training sessions and are eager to get back on our valued customer’s lawns. Spring is a time of rebirth & recovery for our lawns and there are a few simple things that homeowners can do to help aid in this process.

  1. Schedule your 2017 lawn fertilization program with Warner Landscape & Sod
  2. Spring clean up. Regardless or not if your lawn received a fall clean up from the previous season homeowners should always perform a simple spring clean up. This process will remove any winter debris.
  3. Perform a light raking of the turf. A plastic leaf rake or older style metal spring loaded rake will do the trick. During the winter months our lawns become matted down and it is very important that new turf growth has somewhere “to go”.  A light raking also helps the lawn to breath.
  4. DO NOT POWER RAKE / DETHATCH YOUR LAWN. Spring turf is very tender so why use a machine that is designed to pull and tear. There is a tremendous amount of root and plant growth that occurs during the spring months and if you want to stimulate this process you would be much better served by performing a Spring Core Aeration.
  5. Mowing Height: As temperatures rise & the turf starts to grow the first 2 to 3 cuts of the spring season will just be a continuation of the last two cuts from the previous fall. Mow short at 2 to 2 1/2 inches (DO NOT SCALP THE LAWN) This is help remove the yellow discoloring commonly associated with over wintering and winter tip burn.  After the first 2 or 3 cuts PLEASE RAISE YOUR MOWING HEIGHT TO A MINIMUM OF 3 INCHES FOR THE REST OF THE GROWING SEASON.
  6. Have Patience: No two lawns are the same. Each stand of turf is its own unique ecosystem and some recover quicker then others based on a multitude of variables.